Using the Arkansas Business Entity Search is useful for existing businesses as well as those looking to set up a new business. The search function shows the publicly available information related to entities registered in the state. Therefore, it has several implications and uses.
Existing businesses can use the entity search to see relevant information and filings, and also to purchase a certificate of good standing. If you’re setting up a new Arkansas LLC or another business, entity search can help with confirming name availability.
Finding a name and confirming its availability is usually the first step in setting up a business entity. Since business names should be unique, using entity search makes it possible to check the viability of the intended name.
Using And Accessing Arkansas Secretary Of State Business Entity Search
In Arkansas, as with most states, the business entity database is handled by the office of the Secretary of State. Since it is the SOS handling the search system, it is often called the Arkansas Secretary Of State Business Entity Search. The business entity search page is available online.
It’s relatively simple to use. The lack of additional options makes the search easy for most users. However, it can also result in a very large number of results. In these cases, it might be helpful to use the “Corporation Type” feature to whittle down the search results to a specific type of business entity.
Working With Arkansas Entity Search Parameters
The following options are available for the entity search. Except for the Corporation Type feature, all other options can be used as standalone searches. These are explained here:
- Corporation Type: Limits the search to a specific type of business entity. For example, you could limit search results to a domestic corporation, foreign LLC, banks, or any other entity type.
- Name: Search for a business entity using its name. This is the most commonly used option since we know entities by their names. This is also the option to use if you’re running an Arkansas name availability search.
- Fictitious Name: Works the same as the business name function, but looks for fictitious name of the entity.
- Registered Agent (RA): This option conducts the search based on the name of the Arkansas Registered Agent. Other options include adding the city and the state of the RA.
- Filing #: A business entity in Arkansas has a unique filing number associated with it. Using this number for search is a quick way to find the desired entity. This is an exact match search, as the filing number will only show the corresponding business entity.
When conducting name availability searches, it’s best to remember that there are inherent limitations in its scope. The search can easily find exact matches for the name under consideration. But, it cannot reliably cover all names that could be confusingly similar to your business entity.
As such, the name availability search is considered a preliminary search. Though to be fair, it’s still an excellent tool to weed out glaring issues with name availability. Business entity search should definitely be the first stop for covering a name availability search.
Working With Search Results
If your query has matching results, they will be displayed in a tabular format on the results page. The information on this page includes the entity name, city, state of jurisdiction, and entity status.
Clicking on the business name will take you to a page with more details on the chosen entity. These include the name, filing number, type, entity status, registered agent name and address, officer names, and some other details.
The details page also offers the option to pay franchise tax for the chosen entity and to purchase a certificate of good standing.
Reserving A Business Name In Arkansas
Reserving a business name is often a good strategy. Most of the attractive and easy to remember business names are already taken. So, if you think of an attractive name, it makes sense to quickly reserve the name.
Name reservations are usually quick and easy to manage. Besides, they enable people to reserve a name without actually setting up a business. You can use the reservation period to prepare for launching the business or clearing any administrative, legal, or logistical issues.
Is It Mandatory To Reserve A Business Name In Arkansas?
No, Arkansas doesn’t require a name reservation. This is an entirely optional process designed to benefit entrepreneurs. In the same vein, if you aren’t concerned about name availability, it might be sensible to skip the name reservation process.
How Long Does A Name Reservation Last And What Does It Cost?
A business name reservation in Arkansas is valid for 120 days. The filing fee here depends on the mode of applying. If you choose to file it via postal mail, the fee is $25. On the other hand, the cost of filing online is $22.50.
If you so desire, the reservation can be extended by another 120 days. This application too will have an associated filing fee and the amount is the same as the original. Arkansas allows only one renewal, so it’s best to be strategic with your filing and how you intend to use it.
Reserving A Business Name In Arkansas
Reserving a business name in Arkansas requires filing an Application for Reservation of Entity Name with the AR SOS. This can be done online using the state’s Corporations Online Filing System. The filing fee for online submissions is $22.50.
If you prefer to use paper, you’ll have to download and fill the form. The required $25 filing fee can be paid via check. When ready, mail the completed form and filing fee to:
Secretary of State’s Business and Commercial Services Division,
1401 W. Capitol, Suite 250,
Little Rock,
Arkansas 72201.
The filing process is easy and straightforward. When you pick a name for filing, remember to check the state’s business entity name restrictions. Running your choice of name through Arkansas Business Entity Search will give you an excellent idea of its availability for reservation. Completing these steps before filing can make the name reservation a smoother and more enjoyable experience.