Colorado Business Entity Search is a useful and very detailed tool. You can use it for several purposes, including checking the status of existing businesses and finding a name for your new business.
Finding a new name for an entity requires that the name be unique and distinguishable. Going through entity search ensures that there are no existing names that are the same or very similar to your chosen name.
Existing businesses can use the entity search for administrative functions. This includes filing a few forms and viewing filing history. So let’s get into the details!
Accessing And Using Colorado Secretary Of State Business Search
The basic Colorado Secretary Of State Business Search is easily accessible on its website. This is a simple search with a single form for entry. You can use this to input the following for search:
- Business name
- Trademark
- Trade name
- ID or Document Number
Click on the search button once you’ve entered the information and the relevant results will become available.
Using Name Availability Search
When you’re on the basic Colorado Corporate Search page, you’ll see other options as well, including name availability. Clicking on this will take you to a webpage dedicated to name availability search.
To use this option, simply enter the exact name you want to use for your Colorado LLC or another business entity. Once you’ve entered the desired information, click on the “search” button. The website will let you know whether the chosen business name is available.
While this is a useful tool, it isn’t exactly infallible. It’s best to use the name availability search in conjunction with the advanced search function to make the most out of the results.
Using The Advanced Search Option For Colorado Business Entity Search
Sometimes, just entering the basic information isn’t enough when looking for an entity. Or, you might want to go more detailed with your search requirements. In these cases, the tool to use is the Advanced Search option of the Colorado Secretary of State Business Search.
This tool allows business entity search via several parameters, including:
- Business Name
- Trade Name
- Trademark
- Colorado Registered Agent
- Reserved Name Holder
- Trade Name Registrant
- Trademark Registrant
Additionally, the search can be restricted to specific filing dates. This makes it easier to streamline the search and look for results within the information specifically available to you.
Using The Business Entity Search Results
Once you start the search, the tool(s) will take you to a results page with a list of the entities (where applicable). This page includes several aspects of the entities shown as the results. These include, ID number, document number, name, event, status, form, and formation date.
Clicking on the ID Number of a specific entity will take you to a page with detailed information on said entity. This includes details like information on the company, principal office address, jurisdiction, and the report month. Details on the registered agent are available as well.
Additionally, you can use it to view the filing history of the chosen entity, get a certified copy of documents, or file some forms. Some additional features are also available.
How To Reserve A Business Name In Colorado
Reserving a business name is an excellent tool to make things easier. Having an attractive and clever business name can be very useful. After all, the name of your business is the first introduction to prospective clients/customers. An attractive name makes an excellent first impression.
However, as we know, most of the attractive names are taken by existing businesses. This leaves little room for maneuverability. But if you do hit upon a name that’s the right fit, it makes sense to snag it right away.
You may not be ready to start your business right away. Or, you might want to get a hold of the name first. Going the route of a name reservation can make handling these things easier.
Is It Mandatory To Reserve A Name In Colorado?
No. Colorado doesn’t require businesses to reserve their names prior to filing. If you’re not concerned about name availability or have other options available, it might be better to save your resources and skip reservation.
What Does A Name Reservation Cost And How Long Does It Last?
Once the secretary of state accepts the name reservation request, the reservation remains valid for 120 days. Colorado allows you to renew the name reservation indefinitely.
The filing cost for a name reservation form is $25. Each renewal costs $25 as well.
Reserving A Business Name In Colorado
Requesting a name reservation in Colorado requires filing a Statement of Reservation of Name with the Colorado Secretary of State. This statement must be filed electronically (online). The Colorado SOS doesn’t accept name reservation requests via postal mail.
The associated filing fee can be paid online. Most popular credit cards are accepted.
Before filing a statement of name reservation, be sure to check that the name is valid according to Colorado’s naming restrictions. Also, don’t forget to run a Colorado Business Entity Search and name availability search to increase the chances of a successful filing.