Connecticut Business earch and CT SOS Function

Connecticut Business Search Made Convenient

The Business Services Division of Connecticut has a database containing information about various entities such as Corporations, Limited Liability Partnerships and Limited Liability Companies. This database is open to the public online.

If you are planning to browse the database, make sure you know the name, id or filing number of the identity.

Connecticut Secretary of State Business Search Guideline

It is now easier to look for information about business entities that are registered with the Connecticut Secretary of State. With the guideline provided down the page, you won’t have to worry about using the search tool. The following steps will let you know how to use the Connecticut business entity search tool properly.

  1. You can visit the official website of the Connecticut Secretary of the State using this link Once the page loads, click “Business Search” to be directed on the page where you can click the “Search a Business” button. Be guided by the screenshots below. If you want to directly access the Search Page, just click here. The screenshot below shows the appearance of the Search Page.
  1. The next thing to do is entering the Name, Filing Number, or Business ID in the field provided. For this instance, we will use “Odyssey Toys” as the Business Name. Be noted that filling every field with the right information will give you more specific search results.
  2. After filling in the required information, click “Search” so you can view business you are looking for and its primary information such as Business ID, Address, and Status.
  3. Other information of the business can be viewed once you click its name on the Results Page.

Putting an asterisk symbol before the Business Name will allow you to attain a wild card search. A wild card search means you can view the list of the business entities that have the name you are searching for.

Connecticut SOS Important Details

About the Office of CT SOS:

One of the highest government institution in Connecticut is the Secretary of the State. It is an elected constitutional official who is responsible for the handling of various government documents and public archives in the state.

Duties of the Office of CT business search:

One of the two departments under the responsibility of the Connecticut Secretary of the State handles the CT business search tool. The other department is the Legislation and Elections Administration Division.