Conducting an Indiana Business Entity Search is simple and useful. The website provides access to resources that make it possible to search business entities registered with the state of Indiana. This can be used to check filings made by business entities or to check the availability of a name for a business entity.
Checking for existing businesses and filings makes it easy to look for business information available to the public. Additionally, existing businesses may use this feature to check for their own filings and to file some necessary documents.
For new business entities being registered, the entity search makes it possible to check name availability. Names for new business entities should be unique and distinguishable upon record. So, when you’re forming an Indiana LLC, you can use the entity search to check if businesses exist with the same or similar sounding name.
Accessing And Using Indiana Secretary Of State Business Search (InBiz)
Indiana Secretary Of State Business Search is available through the InBiz system. InBiz is designed as a one-stop resource for businesses in Indiana. As such, the system deals with various aspects of setting up, managing, and administering any business (as related to the state). Of course, this includes Indiana Business Entity Search and LLC lookup. The business search can be used by accessing its website.
Using IN SOS Business Search
On the Business Search website, you’ll notice the following options for conducting the search:
- Business Name – Use the business name to lookup an existing entity.
- Business ID – Use the assigned business ID. This is an exact search and will return only the business associated with the set ID.
- Filing Number – Search for a business using its filing number. This too is an exact search and will return only the business associated with the number.
- Indiana Registered Agent Name – Search using the name of the registered agent. All businesses represented by said agent will be displayed as the result.
- Incorporator or Principal Name – This search will show all businesses associated with the name of the Incorporator used for search.
Additionally, you can refine name searches using three options.
- Contains: This will show results that have the word(s) in the search term included in the name.
- Starts With: In this case, the results must have names that start with the search term entered. While the search term must form the beginning of the result, there can be more words following the search term.
- Exact Match: If you choose this option, the result and search term must be an exact match. As the name implies, this is an exact search that should have specific results.
It is worth noting that these three options are valid only for name searches. You cannot use them for file number and ID number searches.
Using Indiana Advanced Business Entity Search
As you scroll on the business entity search page, you’ll come across the Advanced Search section. It’s not necessary to use this section, but it is useful if you want to further streamline your results. This way, your search can be more targeted and more specific.
The following options are available for search:
- Type: Using this option limits the search results to a specific entity type. For example, you could limit the search to domestic LLCs, foreign LLC, business commercial registered agents, etc.
- Status: It’s possible to use this option to decide on the status of the specific business entity. There are several options like active, dissolved, inactive, canceled, etc.
- Name Type: Use this option to narrow down name types. These can be reserved name, legal name, foreign name, etc.
- Address: Use the street address, city, and zip code to narrow down what you see in search results.
Apart from the entity search described here, Indiana InBiz search also offers other options. These include trademarks, public notaries, etc.
Information Available Through Indiana Business Entity Search
If you’re searching for a name for a new business entity, the search can help you finalize the name. You should be able to check if the same or similar names exist (or are already registered with the state). This way, when you file the articles of organization or name reservation, you have greater chances of success.
Those looking for a business entity can get very useful information using this search. The results page shows a lot of information about listed entities. This includes business ID, business name, name type, principal office address, registered agent name, and status.
Clicking on the business ID will take you to a page with detailed information on the entity. The first section provides information on the business including business type, jurisdiction, expiration date, and annual report due date.
In the next section, you’ll find information on the business officials and registered agent. Other options include checking name history, filing history, and requesting certified copies.
How To Reserve A Business Name In Indiana
Reserving a business name is often a good idea. A lot of business entities are registered in Indiana and more are formed every day. Considering statistics from 2011, more than 877,000 entities exist in Indiana. That was a decade ago. We can safely assume that the number is much higher now.
Since the state requires that entity names be unique and distinguishable upon record, it can be very difficult to find a name that’s both attractive, unique, and fit for your business. So, if you think of a name that could fit right into these requirements, it’s a good idea to consider name reservation.
Reserving a name for your business (for example, LLC), gives you enough time to set up administration and logistics. There can be several reasons to choose to reserve the name without fully forming a business entity. Whatever the reason be, this is an excellent option for entrepreneurs.
Is It Mandatory To Reserve A Business Name In Indiana?
No, there is no requirement for name reservation in Indiana. If you’re not concerned about name availability and don’t expressly need a name reservation, it’s better not to spend time and resources on reservation.
On the other hand, it remains a useful tool for businesses/entrepreneurs who do need to consider reservation.
How Much Does An Indiana Name Reservation Cost And How Long Does It Last?
Once the state accepts your name reservation request, it will be valid for 120 days. Filing for a name reservation costs $20.
When the name reservation period is near its end, you can choose to file a renewal. This will extend the reservation by another 120 days for an additional fee of $10.
Reserving A Business Name In Indiana
As with most business filings in the state, name reservation can be filed online at the InBiz portal. Indiana currently doesn’t have paper forms for this filing. Therefore, using InBiz is the best choice. To file using InBiz, you may need to register an account with Access Indiana. This account is created for free and can be used to manage your filings on InBiz.
The required filing fee can be paid using a credit card. Major cards like Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover are accepted.
Before filing a name reservation, remember to use the Indiana business entity search to ensure availability. This preliminary step makes things a lot easier and dramatically increases your chances of a successful filing.