State of Michigan Business Entity Search:
Any filing and authorization request from entities in the state is examined by the Corporations Division of the Corporations, Securities, & Commercial Licensing Bureau. This particular body is under the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs. The Division is responsible for the handling and organizing of the registry containing all records of entities such as Corporations, Limited Companies, Limited Liability Companies, Limited Partnerships and Limited Liability Partnerships.
MI SOS Business Entity Search Procedure:
People who want to learn more about a certain business entity that is registered in the state of Michigan make use of the online search tool facilitated by the office of the Secretary of State. If you wish to make a MI SOS business search, make sure you already know the entity name or the corporate ID.
The Name in the Database, Keyword in the database and Identification number are your options for filtering the results of your Michigan corporation lookup.
Searching for the database will be easy for you as we have prepared the following guideline: Access the Michigan entity Search Page on your browser using this link. There are radio buttons you can select to filter your search results. After setting your preferred search filter, fill the empty field with the name or ID of the entity. For this instance, we will type in “Ford”. By clicking “Search” the page will refresh to show the list of entities with the name “Ford”. Select and click one entity on the list to learn more about it.
SOS Michigan Business Division Details
Ruth Johnson has been the elected Secretary of State of Michigan since 2011.
Filings and recording of business entities operating in the state of Michigan are done in the Corporations Division under the Corporations, Securities & Commercial Licensing Bureau. The Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs oversees the activities and processes of such Bureau.
Roles of the Office of SOS MI:
Businesses that enter the state of Michigan to operate are entertained by the Corporations Division for registration and documentation. This division stores and secures all the information of several business entities registered with the Secretary of State of Michigan (SOS MI).